IAM Roadsmart Logo Cardiff Group Of Advanced Motorists

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Where We Meet


Lisvane Memorial Hall
Lisvane Cardiff
CF14 0SQ



We have our meetings in semi-alternate months through 2024. We will meet the first Thursday of February, April, June, then have an extended break until the first Thursday of October and December. These will go ahead even if the 1st is the first Thursday. We will meet in our usual venue at Lisvane Memorial Hall, Heol y Delyn, Cardiff, CF14 0SQ, at 7.30pm.

We have a range of guest speakers who come along to our meetings and give us a talk/presentation about a range of different topics.

There is plenty of parking spaces available at the hall which is also equipped for disabled users.

Please continue to check the group website for information, updates and group meetings.


Speakers For Our Group Meetings During 2025

6th February: Peter Vaughan - ex Chief Constable of South Wales Police

3rd April: IAM Masters, the next level, from both sides, a Masters Mentor and 2 Mentees will share their experiences

5th June: Improving your memory with Dr. Marba Nek

2nd October: A Helicopter Pilot Job/Role

4th December: Annual General Meeting